Tamannaah Bhatia has been keeping herself very busy with the promotions of her upcoming film Babli Bouncer. But an excuse to walk the red carpet for awards' night celebrating the world of fashion is always a good enough reason for her to take some time out. And you know it's not something she does half-heartedly when it comes to dressing up for the red carpet. Tamannaah Bhatia who loves a little avantgarde drama on the red carpet, goes the fusion route this time. But with Tamannaah, the drama follows. Her designer outfit had layers of gorgeous boho embroidery work with an explosion of colours that you simply can't miss even if you tried.
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Her set included a bustier blouse, tights in the same print and a dramatic long skirt with a slit on the side worn over it. The prints galore were balanced with a sheer black cape with matching embroidery to border it. The cape also comes with cutout detailing on the sleeves that makes her keen eye for detail more noteworthy. The fusion element doesn't end there though. Even with her high flying fashion statement, there's always room for jewellery. The need for bling comes with a beaded choker, a long chain necklace and large round studs to go with it.
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The art of red carpet fashion is understanding the concept of balance. That's a memo Tamannaah Bhatia understood personally. The obvious choice for a boho chic look as dramatic as this is to go with Smokey eyes and a wavy long locks but Tamannaah Bhatia's was in complete contrast. She picked a fresh face with dewy makeup topped with a coral lip and her hair tied in a sleek low bun.
Tamannaah Bhatia needs just an invite to an awards function to bring her ethnic A-game on.