Bold and sassy are the perfect words to describe Tejasswi Prakash's sartorial choices. The actress definitely knows how to strike a fashion statement every time she steps out. And this time, she has us all awestruck with her stunning and fiery red thigh high slit gown. The actress was seen posing in a gorgeous number as she adorned a monochromatic look. The dress featured a bedazzled shimmery pattern towards the neckline. It also showcased a flattering fit and a strappy pattern with accentuated sweetheart neckline which instantly added a style quotient to the look. Her on point glam and chic heels matched the attire.
Tejasswi Prakash has never left a chance to make a striking fashion statement. Be it her bold statements to chic co-ords and more, the actress has always served us with major fashion goals. And this time, the actress is making a bold statement in a chic red co-ord set. She paired a strappy halter neck bralette with matching bottoms and her minimal makeup glam and tied tresses amped up the attire.
Tejasswi Prakash and her choice of risqué attire has her heart. The actress was seen adorning sleeveless bold dress which featured a plunging neckline and a slit at the front which amped up the oomph factor. She paired up the look with strappy chic heels. She opted for silver toned statement earrings to complete her look.
Pantsuits are a fashion staple and Tejasswi Prakash is making a strong case for them in a stunning bold pantsuit. The actress was seen adorning a stellar pantsuit as she paired the blazer with chic pants and kept it simple with glam makeup and wet hair look.