Tejasswi Prakash's dazzling traditional numbers make her the reigning fashionista in the telly world. At Lifestyle Asia's glittery Diwali party, the diva turned showstopper in a stunning black drape. The ensemble featured a string-like netted pallu with a form-fitting long mermaid skirt. However, adding a flush of colour to her monochrome look was the glittery and sequin-embellished multi-coloured bralette in the shades of gold, pink, and turquoise. Tejasswi shed some light on how to amp up the minimalistic fashion with the right amount of contrast. The belt strapped to her waist was the ultimate chic factor. The actress allowed her OOTD to steal the spotlight ditching any accessories. For makeup, she took the glammed-up route in a dewy base, dusted with pink blush, glossy pink lipstick and mascara-coated lashes. Open wavy tresses simply elevated her party glam.
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Sprinkling some contemporary fashion into an ethnic outfit is what Tejasswi Prakash does best. And she did the same with an elegant orange lehenga from Megha Kapoor Label. The orange-embroidered fishtail skirt was layered with a ruffled organza bottom, giving it a touch of chic. A sparkly sequinned cut-out blouse of the orange shade, embellished with intricate beadwork boasted a backless detailing. Tejasswi skipped wearing accessories allowing her attire to dazzle. Her minimal makeup for the day included blush-tinted and contoured cheeks, maroon lipstick mascara-laden eyes. Her curly tresses were tied in a messy bun with a few locks kept open.
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Who would have imagined that someone could leave us awestruck in a nude-shaded saree? But look how Tejasswi Prakash pulled off the beige chiffon saree from the shelves of fashion label Pritika Vora. She weaved six yards of grace in the ethnic number adorned with subtle golden sequins. Her sweetheart neck blouse was doused with plenty of glitter, beads, and fringe-like detailing. The golden tassels hanging from the edge of the sleeves were simply excellent. A heavy eye makeover, metallic lip colour and shimmery golden eyeshadow topped off her glamorous OOTD. Those stone-studded gold earrings were a perfect match.
Tejasswi Prakash's style diaries are pure festive goals.
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