Kangana Ranaut can carry off any attire, but she looks her best in sarees. Kangana recently shared one of her pictures when she was all ready to visit Puratchi Thalaivii Amma Dr J Jayalalithaa Memorial in Chennai. And, she looks like a vision as always. Dressed aptly for the occasion, Kangana wrapped the 12 yards of grace and posed in it. She chose a tangerine Kanjivaram saree with a red border and paired it with a high neck and glass-sleeved blouse of the same colour. She tied her hair back and tucked flowers to it. Kangana, in minimal makeup, accessorised her saree look with a statement neckpiece and matching earrings and you bet if this isn't perfect for the festive season either. The actress posed on a staircase and looked as elegant she can be.
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In a white handloom saree, Kangana looked graceful as ever. She wore it with a white sleeveless blouse and added just a bindi and just like looked like as dreamy as we could imagine she to be.
When it comes to Kerala silk, it already adds to the person's elegance. To Kangana Ranaut, it does more. The actress slipped into a white Kerala silk with golden borders, added a statement neckpiece and earring. Result? Her Instafam was drooling all over it.
Kangana Ranaut's Navratri look is one of our favourites. She chose a traditional soft pink silk with pink and golden borders. She went with traditional jewellery – jhumkas and a golden choker – to glam it up.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut's Love For Chiffon Sarees And Her Hermes Kelly Handbag Stops For Nobody
This picture of Kangana Ranaut is giving us all the summer vibes and in Kangana's world, it is always as bright as a summer day even in a saree.
For her upcoming film Thalaivii's trailer launch, Kangana Ranaut went all South-Indian and picked a quintessential Kanjivaram silk saree. Designed by Madhurya Creations, the Kanjivaram is soft orange with black and golden borders. She aptly chose a statement choker and heavy earrings to accessorise her trailer launch look.
Kangana Ranaut makes sarees look better and vice versa. For all the saree lovers, look no further than Kangana Ranaut's picks for all the saree inspiration you need.
Also read: Thalaivi Trailer Launch: Kangana Ranaut Looks Lovely In An Anamika Khanna Saree
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