Rakul Preet Singh is making it to the news not only with her latest movie Runway 34 but also her bold fashion choices. From elaborate gowns to short dresses to even uber cool beachwear, Rakul is surely turning many heads. In her recent post on social media the actor was seen wearing a lime green blazer dress and looked absolutely stunning. The smart blazer dress was from a clothing brand called Gnama and made Rakul look like the boss lady that she is. She opted for a glossy nude lip tint and light kohl while tying her mane in a sleek ponytail. The layered necklace and green heels made the perfect combination with her lime dress.
Also Read: Nothing Gives Us Summer Vibes Quite Like Rakul Preet Singh In Her Colourpop Blazer
Not just Western wear and gowns, Rakul Preet Singh has also managed to grab our attention with her ethnic wear. In a recent post on her social media, the actor opted for a sunshine yellow funky lehenga which would make a good choice for any wedding celebrations. The mirror work skirt and a short top with plunging neckline with frill design is the perfect balance of trendy and ethnic. She paired the outfit with gorgeous shell earrings. Rakul looks like a ray of sunshine herself while she poses with the Taj Mahal in the background.
Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh's Yellow Lehenga Puts The Fun In Funky Indian Weddings
Rakul Preet Singh has been stealing our hearts with her beachwear choices too. On her recent vacation to the Maldives, Rakul has made an envy-worthy vanity. From hot red swimsuits, fuschia pink bikinis to breezy kaftans and co-ord sets, Rakul has selected some commendable outfits for the vacation. She posted her pictures on Instagram with stunning outfits with the cool blue backdrop of the ocean, making us crave to go on a beach vacation ourselves.
Rakul Preet Singh adds a little more glamour to all her outfit choices and makes everything look perfect on her. Her experiment with the clothing is also admirable. We are waiting to see more of Rakul with statement-making outfit choices.
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