Time and again, various stars have tried their hands on monochrome fashion. But, absolutely no one does it like Sonam Kapoor. At the recent Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) event held in Mumbai, the actress looked stunning in a custom-made look by Ashi Studio. She was styled by her sister and celebrity stylist Rhea Kapoor. Her sculpted gown in a black taffeta bubble cape shape was majestic. A pair of black heels simply complimented the monochrome look. The heavy statement jewellery consisted of a layered pearl necklace with emerald stone detailing along with floral studs. She pulled back her tresses in a neat bun and opted for a dusky glam. For the glam, Sonam wore contoured and blushed cheeks along with kohl-rimmed eyes. Muted pink lips and well-done brows were some other glam additions.
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For the first-ever show of Dior in Mumbai, fashion enthusiasts made appearances at their absolute best. And, Sonam Kapoor, as always, stole all the attention. The diva looked breathtaking in a pink dress from Dior, which was accompanied by a stunning full-length jacket in the same shade of pink. Wearing heavy traditional jewellery with modern silhouettes has become quite a norm in the fashion world. Oh, we are not complaining. Nude lips, well-contoured cheeks, and rosy lip colour added more pizazz to her glam.
Sonam Kapoor's style is always sophisticated and oh-so-glamorous. Last year in December, the actress made her first red carpet appearance after embracing motherhood and made us look our jaws on the floor. She slipped into a custom ruby red Rami Kadi structured gown, which came with a dramatic silk satin duchess cape featuring bell sleeves. Sonam opted for a statement diamond necklace, and wore shiny eyelids, blended kohl, highlighted and blushed cheeks, and pink lips.
Making us drool with her incredible sense of fashion is actress Sonam Kapoor in this dramatic yellow outfit. She adorned a structured yellow gown from Sara Mrad which looked incredibly gorgeous on her physique. The off-shoulder detailing with a dramatic neckline accentuated the overall style in no time. To balance the drama, she tied her tresses in a sleek bun and added drop earrings as well as complementing glam to match the attire.
Just another monochrome fashion moment feat Sonam Kapoor. In a dark purple three-piece pantsuit set, the actress gave us lessons on stylish formal dressing. She teamed a full-sleeved coat, with a buttoned vest and pleated skirt. Sonam picked statement earrings and rings as the only accessories.
Sonam Kapoor's fashion sensibilities have our hearts and for all the right reasons.
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