Life has been quite the whirlwind for Alia Bhatt. The Bollywood actress married Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor this spring and since then, the star couple swiftly announced the new addition to their family. But that isn't the only baby on the way for Alia. The actress will be seen alongside Vijay Varma and Shefali Shah in Darlings, which she has also produced and is set to release next month. In the run up to the movie, Alia has kicked off movie promotions while also upping her maternity fashion game. Her latest promotional appearance however, is the most statement-making one yet.
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Alia is pictured wearing an oversized white shirt which a collar, buttoned front and sleeves cuffed up her arm. However it was her choice of bottom wear that really made the statement. Alia paired it with a pair of flared jeans but they weren't any ordinary denims. They were made entirely of frayed patches sewn together so distressing took over the entire denim look. Alia completed it with white mules and oversized gold hoops in her ears. Her brown smokey eyes and neutral lip were set with a wavy ponytail.
For Alia's previous look she added sunshine with a yellow pantsuit. The oversized pastel blazer was left open in front and paired with matching trousers and a black camisole which she wore underneath. She wore her hair swept to the side in curls with a glowing makeup look.
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