Lalbaughcha Raja has arrived once more in the city of Mumbai for Ganesh Chaturthi 2022 and sees celebrities from every sphere to come out to venerate. The likes of Rashmika Mandanna, Neena Gupta and Shehnaaz Gill have all been spotted paying their respects at the famous pandal in in the city. Bollywood actress Kajol always makes an annual visit to Lalbaughcha Raja and continued to do so this year. This time around, we also managed to get a glimpse of her festive fashion choices, thanks to her latest post on Instagram.
The actress captioned a series of photos with the words, "Going #ganpatibappa mad! #ganpatibappamorya #lalbaughcharaja Come on people gimme a smile". In the pictures, Kajol is seen in a variety of poses, the last one of her being herself finally breaking into a smile. But funny faces aside, we couldn't see anything apart from Kajol's traditional ethnic outfit.
(Also Read: Shilpa Shetty And Her Family Are Four Times The Floral Match In Ethnic Looks For Ganesh Chaturthi 2022)
For the auspicious occasion, Kajol was seen wearing a sunshine yellow silk saree which was gracefully draped over her shoulder. She wore it with a traditional gold choker necklace which matched the tones of her look. For accessories, Kajol wore a white gajra with her centre-parted bun hairstyle and green bangles on her wrist along with a radiant and naturally glam makeup look. While the festive season has kicked off with ethnic style, none have been quite as traditionally beautiful as Kajol's look.
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