Pakistani actress Mahira Khan's wedding and pre-wedding looks have been making waves in the world of fashion. At her wedding to Salim Karim, while the Pakistani actress' majestic lehenga left everyone in awe, the star recently shared pictures from her pre-wedding festivities that are as ethereal as her personality. For Dua-e-Khair, Mahira wore a heavy-duty Hyderabadi suit. The pastel-coloured kurta featured intricate golden embroidery adorning the neckline, hemline, and the borders of the sleeves. Tassels gracefully dangled from her neckline and added a touch of charm to her look. She paired the kurta with golden churidar pants. A matching dupatta with delicate gotta patti work was draped in an elegant manner. From her collection of accessories, the actress chose minimal earrings and a pair of traditional juttis. Her hair was styled in a middle-parted hairdo, and her soft pink makeup featured glossy pink lips, a subtle blush on her cheeks, soft pink eyeshadow, impeccably arched brows, and mascara-coated lashes.
For the Mayun ceremony, Mahira Khan looked radiant in an orange anarkali suit that exuded traditional charm. The addition of green borders on the dupatta created a vibrant colour contrast. Her anarkali featured a round neckline and long sleeves, giving her an elegant and timeless appearance. Draping the dupatta over her head, she embraced the classic look with grace. To complement her outfit, Mahira adorned herself with green bangles that harmonised beautifully with the vibrant borders of her dupatta. Adding a touch of nature's beauty, she wore a bud of motia in her earrings. Her floral jewellery, including garlands around her neck and wrists, added a delightful and traditional touch to her pre-wedding ensemble.
Moving on to the big day, Mahira Khan's dreamy lehenga was nothing short of a masterpiece. Designed by Faraz Manan, the ethnic number showcased a soothing pastel blue hue that added a touch of serenity to her bridal look. The cropped choli featured full sleeves and intricate cutwork at the hemline. The fully flared lehenga skirt exuded regal vibes and made her appear like royalty on her special day. Her matching dupatta was adorned with heavy embroidery on the scalloped borders. Mahira Khan completed her bridal look with traditional jewellery and minimal makeup.
Mahira Khan wed Salim Karim in a dreamy wedding in the presence of her loved ones.