Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are couple goals and it's clear that the newlyweds are also winning hearts in the fashion world. The couple recently made a stylish appearance at an awards function at which they received the award for the Most Stylish Couple. What's more, they were twinning, most fabulously, in black. Rakul's chic style statement featured an asymmetrical hemline cropped blouse with a golden zipper in the front. The padded shoulders delivered a boss-babe vibe that the actress pulled off expertly. A form-fitting high-waist mermaid skirt cascaded down to form a floor-sweeping train, adding pizzazz to her look. Chunky golden jewellery, glamorous makeup, and a sleek updo elevated her Manish Gharat-tailored sartorial quotient.
Complementing his wife was Jackky Bhagnani, dressed in a buttoned-up shirt and loose-fitted Jack & Jones trousers. But adding to his suave appearance was the full-sleeved trench coat by Samreen Madan, which came with leather details and lapel collars. A little leathering on the sleeve hem delivered an extra touch of class.
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's penchant for all-black ensembles is reflected through their wardrobe collections. At the success bash ofTeri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, the duo were once again seen in matching black outfits. Rakul leaned on a co-ord set that included a bralette, a cropped brick-cut blazer, and flared trousers. Pink chooda and black studs, coupled with minimal glam makeup sealed her OOTN. Jackky Bhagnani looked handsome in a round-collared T-shirt that he paired with a collared blazer and baggy trousers.
While black may be the new colour palette of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, at their wedding, the couple opted for pastel hues. The actress was an epitome of angelic beauty in a Tarun Tahiliani blush pink lehenga, adorned with multiple floral embellishments. The equally decorated veil and traditional jewellery elevated the pastel aesthetics of her dreamy wedding. As for Jackky Bhagnani, the groom also played muse to the same designer, in an ivory-shaded sherwani bearing similar flower patterns and matching churidar pants. An embroidered shawl and an embellished turban sealed his look for the nuptial ceremony.
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are pure goals when it comes to nailing versatile styles in matching hues. But that is not all that makes them similar Watch Rakul Preet talk about how they are almost character clones in the video below: