Yellow is the colour of celebration for Bollywood today. First it was Hina Khan;s pick to begin Ramadan 2021. Next, it's Vidya Balan who celebrates Vishu 2021 in sunny shades. Vidya Balan wished her followers Vishu Ashamsakal wearing the bright hue that added vibrance to 2021's relatively gloomy social media feed. The Kahaani actress wore a beautiful anarkali suit paired with matching palazzo pants. The Faabiiana ensemble stood out because of Vidya Balan's impeccable styling. To enhance the look, the star wore chunky round earrings with green stud detailing. Apart from that, Vidya Balan added a tiny bindi and a tinge of red lipstick. One can learn a thing or two from her elegant ethnic game. The star decorated her low hair bun with white flowers and that is exactly what stole our hearts.
Swirlster Picks Salwar Kameez Suits
(Also Read: Ramadan 2021: Hina Khan Begins The Month In A Gorgeous Yellow Salwar Kameez Suit)
Fans already got a glimpse of her Vishu 2021 outfits when Vidya posed a sassy video recently. Referring to her frequent outings in traditional wear, it saw her transition from the yellow suit to a sparkling green sequin gown with a plunging neckline, metallic heels and red lips.
Even though Vidya Balan loves to doll up and display her looks on social media, a reminder to wear a face mask straight from the star was a welcome touch. The actress, in her recent social media photo, reminded fans to stick to COVID-19 rules with a pun-filled caption. It read, "Let's not forget that the "Mask"erade is not over yet." In the snap, she is seen in a beige mask over a striped green saree. After all, safety and fashion can work hand-in-hand.
(Also Read: Baisakhi 2021: Trendy And Colourful Salwar Suits For Your Festive Dressing)
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