We can't keep our eyes off Shanaya Kapoor and her black and white look is one to blame. Bollywood is currently obsessed with the monochromatic trend but Shanaya Kapoor's latest post surely stole the show. Bollywood takes things a few notches higher with their work from home style and Shanaya Kapoor is the front runner in the most stunning outfit in a black bodysuit and a houndstooth trench coat. Trust Shanaya Kapoor to make staples look stylish with the help of just one statement piece. In this case, a trench coat thrown over it that adds in some drama.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor Continues Her Sensational Style Streak In An All-Black Outfit
Cutout dresses have forever been a Bollywood favourite. Shanaya Kapoor's black pick gives us the right inspo for an edgy date night look to have bae smitten from the time we enter. Style this dress from anything - from a pair of short boots to sleek black heels and you will surely be the talk of the town quite like Shanaya Kapoor.
It's true that Shanaya Kapoor believes in nothing better than a bodysuit to lounge at home. All you need is a basic black bodysuit and laidback trousers to look as good as Shanaya Kapoor does while you're sitting at home and working in one corner of your room.
Also Read: Besties Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor Go The Floral Route For Spring Fashion
Shanaya Kapoor is the shining diva of Bollywood even before we knew it. What we love most about her style is her capacity to rock some of the most dazzling outfits in a way we believe nobody else can. From sparkly dresses to Versace bikinis, Shanaya Kapoor is the millennial style inspo we never knew we needed up until now.
As Shanaya Kapoor makes her Bollywood entry certain, we can only assume this is just the beginning to her style journey.
CommentsAlso Read: Shanaya Kapoor Channels The Spirit Of Love In A Stunning Red Dress