Alia Bhatt has been serving style lessons with her maternity fashion. Now, Alia has added another page to the fashion diary as she effortlessly slipped into a pink-hued ethnic ensemble. A kaftan set. It came with a V neckline and was adorned with golden gota work. The kaftan set had a contrasting lining and a multi-coloured diamond print. It featured cinched quarter-length sleeves, a long hem length, side ribbons, and a baggy silhouette for a relaxed fit. The ensemble is from the shelves of the designer clothing label Sonam Luthria. For the accessories, she picked a pair of oxidised earrings. Alia went with a minimal makeup look, picking only nude shades from the palette. Her tresses were left loose in soft waves. Simplicity at its best - is an apt description for Alia Bhatt's kaftan set.
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Alia Bhatt looks every bit gorgeous in this pink sharara set. The short kurta was loaded with golden gota work, while the sharara and dupatta had a sleek touch. She paired the outfit with long dangling earrings. Makeup? The actress kept it all neutral with subtle shades of pink. However, it was the little black bindi which stole the show.
Alia Bhatt has always kept the fashion police on their toes. Just a look at the actress flaunting her baby bump in this orange dress. The number featured elbow sleeves, a plunging neckline, and a short thigh slit. Accessories? Small golden hoops. Makeup? Neutral brown tones. Alia went with a side-parted hairstyle. She paired the outfit with a similar shade of lace-up footwear.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Power Style In Lilac Is A Win-Win Even On A Casual Chic Day
Just when you think maternity fashion is about body-hugging dresses and loose traditional outfits, Alia Bhatt showed up in a white top and blue jeans. To further accentuate the simple look, she paired it with a violet blazer. And oh boy, you cannot look past her.
This is how Alia Bhatt merged her love for monotone outfits with her pregnancy looks. She wore an oversized black shirt with rolled-up sleeves and teamed it with baggy black cargo pants. Alia scored high on comfort and style with this fashion outing. The actress wore wide golden hoops and tied her tresses in a neat low-rise pony.
Alia Bhatt is making us stop and stare. And, we aren't complaining.
CommentsAlso Read: 5 Times Alia Bhatt Experimented With Her Wardrobe For Brahmastra Promotions