Weekends are meant to soothe your soul and up your style game, in no particular order. So when Tisca Chopra hit the pool recently, she followed that motto through and through. The Bollywood actress posted a photo of herself recently on a delightful Sunday morning that she spent in the pool. For the occasion, Tisca picked a pretty pink swimsuit to go with it. In the photo, she is seen paddling in the clear blue water with her hair up in a bun. Her fuchsia toned swimsuit features cutout detailed straps which are buckled at the neckline. She captioned it "Sunday morning done right..." and we couldn't agree with her anymore.
It seems that Tisca's love for pink apparel goes beyond swimsuits. In a video she posted last month, it was the colour she chose to take on the work week. Including the caption, "Coming for you..are you ready Monday?!", Tisca is seen in a series of fierce poses wearing a sleeveless hot pink maxi dress. Her brown Fendi belt and red pointed pumps sealed the deal.
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On another weekend, she decided to get fitness in a fabulous pink look. This time, Tisca wore a black sports bra with a pink mesh crop top over it and completed the outfit with pink cargo pants and black sneakers. She has made it kind of obvious about her prolonged love for pink and we couldn't be any happier about it.
(Also Read: Aamna Sharif's Purple Swimsuit With Sparkling Mesh Is Making Beach Glam A Thing)