Bollywood actress Disha Patani surely knows how to impress with her chic style statements. Even in everyday casuals, she always manages to steal the attention by giving her looks an interesting spin. Be it colourpop slip-on dresses to beat the heat or trendy tracksuits to nail athleisure fashion, the pretty star proves that one can stay comfortable and stylish without any fuss. A perfect case in point is Disha's recent airport look, where she showed us how to make the denim and tee style even cooler.
Disha was spotted in Mumbai airport, making a chic case for crop tees. To team with her pair of flared blue jeans, Disha opted for a cool white crop tee from Guess that featured printed patterns in red. With her hair let loose and a comfy pair of sneakers, she looked travel perfect.
(Also read: How To Wear A Little Black Dress Casually Like Disha Patani)
If you have been looking for ways to up your casual style game, then don't miss stocking your closet with cool crop tees like Disha. To get you started, here are five trendy crop tops for you to choose from:
1. Fila Women Pink Crop T-Shirt
Add a new edge to your denim and tee look with this crop number from Fila. It features a round neck, short sleeves and abstract printed patterns in the front. You can buy this tee for a discounted price of Rs 873. Shop here.
2. Adidas Women Black Crop T-Shirt
Stay casual and chic by getting your hands on this trendy crop tee from Adidas. It features a round neck, short sleeves and graphic printed patterns in the front. You can buy this tee for a discounted price of Rs 1,318. Shop here.
3. Reebok Women White Crop T-Shirt
Get casual looks on point in this chic crop tee from Reebok. With a sleek fit and pretty mesh panels, it is sure to impress. You can buy this tee for a discounted price starting at Rs 1,375. Shop here.
4. Atrangi Store Yellow Cat Printed Crop T-Shirt
Call yourself a cat lover? Then you can't miss out on this adorable crop tee that is sure to become your favourite. You can buy this tee for a discounted price starting at Rs 399. Shop here.
5. Forever 21 Women Red Striped Crop T-Shirt
Like Disha, make a chic style statement in this trendy crop top from Forever 21. It features off shoulder cut with drawstring detail in the front. You can buy this tee for a discounted price starting at Rs 524. Shop here.
Take style tips from Disha Patani and amp up your casual looks.