Janhvi Kapoor may be known for her love for all things glam, even up until recently when she walked the ramp at the FDCI X Lakme Fashion Week. But nothing comes close to Janhvi Kapoor's 'me-time' when she is burning the sweat on an otherwise usual weekday. One can easily spot Janhvi Kapoor walking in and out of her pilates studio; you can't miss her colourful tank tops with pilates girl written all over it. Right out of one of those usual weekdays, Janhvi Kapoor shared a mirror selfie with her friend and ace fitness instructor Namrata Purohit mid-workout. In it, you can spot Janhvi looking every bit her sporty chic self in a black sports bra and neon shorts. Basic fits individually but far from it when put together. You simply can't miss her toned abs that make all the grit and grime worth it at the end of the day.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor Looks 'Very Peri' Sporty In Her Monochrome Workout Look
More than often though, Janhvi Kapoor picks monochrome workout looks for her days and just as always make workouts the chicest excuse ever. Pick any colour from the spectrum and you bet she's got a workout fit in it. Very Peri may be the Pantone Colour Of The Year and you can be sure Janhvi looks very peri chic in it too.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor's Lazy Days At Home Start And End On A Monochrome Note
And even after her workouts she steps out in style with a holographic crop jacket to elevate her workout look even more.
Monochrome athleisure looks are directly proportional to a good workout for Janhvi Kapoor, in case you couldn't tell.
Janhvi Kapoor on the runway or distantly away from is always ready to give her own stylish twist to everything she wears.
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