Anushka Sen is living her best life. Like the rest of Bollywood, she too has taken off to Europe to spend her time off under the summer sun. And that she did while wearing her beach wear best. Anushka dropped in at the famous Lake Como to spend the day on the sandy shores. With the blue sky and green mountains as her backdrop, she was pictured wearing a pastel blue coloured bikini set. Of a tie-back bikini and matching bottoms with tied details on the sides, it was as if her swimsuit was crafted for days like these. Along with white framed sunglasses and an arm of bracelets, she wore her hair in a braid. Beach days are done fabulously by Anushka Sen.
(Also Read: Anushka Sen In A White Swimsuit In Maldives Is Making The Friday Blues Look Pretty Good)
Anushka's next stop was at the Duomo di Milano in Milan. To take in the sights on her sunny day on vacation, she picked out a white coloured crop top and denim cutoffs. Paired with it were chunky white sneakers and a blue bag on her arm; functional and fashionable enough for a day of sight-seeing.
Anushka also made sure her day out in the city of Milan was a chic one. She picked a striped sleeveless crop top which had a fun midriff flossing detail over it. Teamed with it was a bag slung on her arm with sunglasses and sneakers for exploring the sights and sounds of Milan.
(Also Read: A Look At Anushka Sen's Stylish "Nights Like These" In Maldives In A Blue Cutout Swimsuit)