As Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second baby together, it was celebration time for Bollywood's A-list gang. The couple's celebrity friends made their way to spend time with them and greet Taimur Ali Khan's little brother. Of course, a meeting of the gang couldn't happen without a fashionable side. Karisma Kapoor, Natasha Poonawalla, Amrita and Malaika Arora posed for pictures outside Manish Malhotra's house. While Natasha opted for a beige dress with a Dior coat and Nike sneakers, the rest went with jeans in every style possible. Amrita Arora's flared jeans featured distressed details and was paired with a black top and Louis Vuitton bag. Karisma Kapoor chose a more casual route and wore her light blue mom jeans with a black pullover and white sneakers.
Malaika Arora isn't one to miss out on a trend and this certainly wasn't going to be that time. She sported a pair of blue and white marbled bootcut jeans with a white tank top, a peach bag with gold hardware and a sleek ponytail in her hair. Only Malaika could make denims look this trendy.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt, Anushka And Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Are BFF Goals In Colourpop Bikinis)
The first round of the evening also included Saif Ali Khan in a pajama suit and Manish Malhotra in a tracksuit, where the friends enjoyed their time under the stars.
Malaika termed the next part of the evening "Round 2" where Karan Johar and Fabulous Lives stars also dropped in. Seema Khan seemed to have got the memo and also went the denim route with a ripped pair and black boots.
(Also Read: Besties Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor Go The Floral Route For Spring Fashion)
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