Kiara Advani is all set to win hearts with her new Telugu film but not without glamour and suits. Kiara Advani, who kickstarted the shoot of her film tentatively named RC 15 with south superstar Ram Charan, twinned with the actors at the film's launch party. And boy, did she look dapper in a suit! Kiara chose to go classic with a white shirt, black suit and a black pair of trousers. She completed her look with a sleek black tie. With minimal makeup, she let her tresses down. Ranveer Singh was one of the chief guests of the event, who chose a stylish suit as well.
(Also Read: Kiara Advani Is A Ray Of Sunshine And Nothing Less In A Sunny Yellow Lehenga)
When she is not in blacks or white, Kiara does not shy away from bright pops of colours. Kiara, who is currently basking in the success of her film Shershaah, chose to go all yellow for a photo shoot recently. In case you're wondering what a human version of a sunflower looks like, think no further. A short scroll on Kiara's Instagram profile will give you the answer. A white blouse and a while flowing skirt paired with a yellow dupatta and you can get Kiara's look.
The actress knows how to rock traditional looks like a diva. For instance, in this look, Kiara chose a neon green silk saree and made her Instafam drool so hard.
We've decided – Kiara in saree is our new crush. The actress chose to go all white in a stunning number for Shershaah's trailer launch. We just can't stop staring at her.
Looks like Kiara can pull off any outfit you give her. This is a cue for fashion lovers to start taking notes.
Comments(Also Read: Kiara Advani Loves Adding Her Own Pops Of Colour In Pretty Printed Dresses)