Though she’s just 18, one thing’s for certain about Priya Prakash Varrier – she’s going places so all you can do is sit back and watch her fly. The Malayalam actress will be seen in the movie Oru Adaar Love, a young love story, when it hits theatres this June. But even before her debut film sees its monsoon release this year, Priya has already got a taste; not just of fame, but of being a full-fledged star. In the song ‘Manikya Malaraya Poovi’ from the movie soundtrack, Priya and her co-star Roshan Abdul Rahoof are seen exchanging playful glances until Priya throws a flirtatious wink his way; to which, Roshan is blown away. That single wink from Priya was enough to floor the entire country and, even amidst a bit of controversy, she was soon the nation’s newest crush.
As a direct side effect, Priya Prakash Varrier’s Instagram followers sky-rocketed overnight and her account swiftly received the blue tick of verification. We were among those scrolling through her Instagram for more information on this young actress and we commented then, in a fashion piece, how refreshingly unstyled Priya’s pictures were. We wondered then how long it would be before that changed.
Well, it’s happened. Priya’s recent Instagram posts have shown every evidence of the trappings of stardom – her outfits and her captions, both have become more polished. And her latest post follows the approved template set by stars who have been doing this longer than she has. In the post, Priya Prakash Varrier has shared an image of herself from a photoshoot. Against a slate grey wall, Priya poses wearing a flowing powder pink gown with a beaded tulle layer and a sheer neckline. With it, she is wearing pink lipstick, matching earrings and her curly hair blown loosely. And the stamp of celebrity – Priya has credited the designer and photographer in her caption, just as we see other actresses do in their posts. Of course, hat’s all it took to send the digital world into a flurry and comments flooding in on her picture. Safe to say that this one is a star long before the release of her debut movie.
The image is part of Cochin-based store Diva Women’s fashion catalogue in which, Priya has modeled several of their garments. Another image by Diva Women shows the teen sweetheart wearing a shimmering black dress with a sheer layer and sequined neckline. Again, she flaunts her curly locks and pairs the look with black sandals.
The days of carefree posts such as this one…
… or this one, are gone.
Priya Prakash Varrier has burst onto the scene, with her natural curls and barely-there makeup, like an absolute breath of fresh air. And it’s that very refreshingly candid appeal that has hoisted her to star status. We’re pretty sure we won’t need to wait too long before we catch a new dazzling video or spectacular picture from Priya.