Bhumi Pednekar has been on our radar recently as she continues to share some uber stylish ethnic inspiration. Her modern and fusion touch to traditional wear has literally got us swooning over her fashion choices and dressing style. Lately she has been on an ethnic dressing spree for the festive season and we are making notes from the diva. The actor was seen wearing a stunning pre-draped saree in white from Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. The gorgeous drape had tassel detailing at the borders with an envy-worthy sheen. Bhumi's sequinned tube blouse added a stylish edge to her monochromatic attire. Her glamorous makeup consisted of highlighted cheekbones, shimmery eyelids, rosy blush, winged eyeliner and a pink lip tint, which perfectly complemented her ensemble.
Bhumi Pednekar hosted a Diwali party this year at her residence. She dolled up in a colourful printed lehenga for the party. The stunning outfit was from designer label Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla and consisted of a deep red lehenga skirt which the actor teamed with a strappy blouse. The blouse featured cut out detailing and a plunging neckline. Bhumi's multi-coloured dupatta looked phenomenal with her attire. The actor tied her mane in a long braid and kept her makeup glamorous. For accessories, she went all traditional with a silver choker necklace, dangling earrings and a stack of metal bangles.
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Bhumi Pednekar dressed in a co-ord set for the festivities was worth taking inspiration from. The actor wore a strappy crop top which featured a cowl neckline and teamed it with a print ruched skirt. She carried a mustard yellow shrug with the outfit. For accessories, she picked silver jewellery and wore her mane loose in beachy waves. Her subtle, smokey makeup was on point for the season's festivities.
We are literally in love with Bhumi's ethnic wardrobe.
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