While Ananya Panday is having the time of her life in Paris. The actress jetted off to the fashion capital of the world to mark her international runway debut at Paris Fashion Week. So after passing the assignment with flying colours, the actress made sure to make the most out of her European trip. Updating fans about her vacation diaries, Ananya has just shared her Paris photo dump, leaving her Instagram family green with envy. Of course, we got a glimpse of the illuminated Eiffel Tower. The slew of pictures begins with a selfie of Ananya, posing at the forefront of an architectural marvel. The next slide shares a glimpse of Paris Fashion Week's behind the stage. Next up, we saw a frame of the Eiffel Tower in all its glory. We must say that Ananya's Paris trip came loaded with lip-smacking gastronomical adventure. With the snippets of pizza, pasta and heart-shaped waffles and even one of her sitting in a store. Sharing the picture, Ananaya wrote, “Paris for a quick minute.” What if we tell you that you need to follow Ananya's footsteps and visit Paris, especially at this time of the year.
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Visiting Paris is always a treat. But visiting Paris around Paris Fashion Week is an experience like no other. Here are a few reasons why:
Spotting your favourite star
Paris Fashion Week is one of the biggest fashion extravaganzas that welcomes stars and personalities from every corner of the world. To walk the ramp, attend a show or simply cheer for their favourite designer, Paris is where all the stars are at. You never know, you might get lucky and spot your favourite star crossing the street or in the same designer store as you.
Witnessing architectural marvels
In Paris, fashion is revered culturally. So if you can grab a chance to attend the fashion show, it also means being given exciting and sometimes unprecedented access to some of the city's most iconic landmarks, museums, and streets. Honestly, no two seasons of Paris Fashion Week are the same. So it's a real privilege to be able to be part of it.
Updating your wardrobe
Paris Fashion Week gives innumerable budding designers a platform to display their craftsmanship. PFW is an event that lets you witness the creativity of countless fashion designers, coming from across the globe, under one roof. So what better way to bookmark a few style tips and incorporate them into your own wardrobe?
Best time for networking
During fashion week, the city does come alive, with a legion of people visiting the city. As the city will be bustling with travellers from different countries, it gives you a great opportunity to network with industry professionals and make connections. Take advantage of the opportunity to especially meet with people in the fashion industry.
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