Bollywood actress Jacqueliene Fernandez recently turned 39 on August 11 and celebrated her birthday in a luxury retreat in Saudi Arabia. Sharing snippets of her celebration, Jacqueliene posted a fun video on her Instagram displaying the beauty of her luxurious stay. The celebrity stayed at the Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, a luxury resort in the Red Sea. The resort is gaining widespread attention due to its pristine natural surroundings and rich cultural heritage. In the video, the actress shared a glimpse of the beautiful property and her time there. There was food and camaraderie and don't miss her swimming with the fishes just before she caught the sunset right on time. According to the official website, the hotel costs approx Rs 4 Lakh for a twin accomodation in their luxury water villas. If you are also planning to visit the Red Sea, this luxury property is the ultimate place to stay with activities that help you make memories etched in the mind forever.
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The Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, is surrounded by crystal-clear water and soft white sand. The reserve is an unexplored and unspoiled sanctuary where exploration leads to many memorable and unforgettable experiences.
Fun Activities To Enjoy At The Property
1. Water Sports
With various water activities like scuba diving kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, and snorkeling, the luxury escape provides you with a memorable experience to explore the beauty of the Red Sea over and under the water.
2. Stargazing
The place also offers stargazing and a storytelling experience whilist lying peacefully on the beach. The resort has skilled local astrologers who wield their laser pens at the sky and tell stories about the different galactical clusters and more.
3. Bicycle rides
Imagine riding a bicycle surrounded by sea all over and scenic views, Bollywood much? Well, the resiorr fulfils your dream with their bicycle rental services that helps you explore the place at ease.
4. Neyrah Spa
Calling it a day, but what's a better way to end a long day with a relaxing and peaceful spa? The Neyrah Spa is specifically designed to reflect and reset and help your mind, body and soul to rejuvenate.
5. Culinary Experiences
Dive into an extravagent Middle Eastern culinary experience, with unique offerings that tingle the tastebuds of anyone who visits. Everything from their freshly baked breads to their fresh seafood catches, it's feast for the eyes and the belly.
Well, next time planning a trip to Saudi Arabia, ditch the usual for a tropical escape in the lap of luxury.
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