Natasa Stankovic has been spending her time in her native Serbia with son Agastya. While there, the celebrity has given us a glimpse into the beauty of the off-beat country. After celebrating his 4th birthday, Natasa took Agastya for an adventurous day out in Serbia, which was spent soaking in the natural beauty of Serbia and playing with farm animals. She has also shared photos from her outing on Instagram Stories. The images featured her dressed in a white top and denim shorts, which she paired with a hat and black sling bag. Agastya, on the other hand, wore denim overalls with a white tee.
(Also Read: Bookmark These 5 Kid-Friendly Spots In Serbia For An Entertaining Day Out Like Natasa Stankovic And Agastya's)
Natasa can be seen posing on a platform with a woman while Agastya stands on the ground between the two ladies.
In another photo, Agastya can be seen walking up the stairs on a grassy hill, with a wooden cottage that looks like it came straight out of a story book.
Natasa Stankovic also gave a glimpse of their surroundings, which featured a horse stable, hills, a green landscape, and a lake.
Natasa Stankovic has been making the most of her time in Serbia. She has been busy visiting places with Agastya and her day on the farm was just a delightful one.
Recently, Natasa Stankovic also took Agastya to an adventure theme park visit in Serbia. In the shared photos, the mother-son duo was seen striking a dinosaur-like posture. Natasa also posed in front of a space-themed corner with an astronaut figure. Their enjoyable day at the park was also caught in other pictures posted on Instagram.
We're beyond thrilled to get a glimpse into what Serbian living looks like.
Comments(Also Read: Natasa Stankovic Celebrated Her "Beautiful Boy" Agastya's 4th Birthday With The Sweetest Mother-Son Memories)