Rasha Thadani is currently enjoying some quality time with her mother Raveena Tandon in Italy. The mother-daughter duo has been travelling across Europe and has shared glimpses of their fun-filled vacation on social media. After exploring the streets of Pompeii, Rasha and Raveena reached Venice to soak in the beauty of the City of Water. Rasha has shared a set of photos from their gondola ride. The images featured Rasha dressed in a white printed top and denim cargo as she travelled through Venice on a boat. The caption of her post read, "La dolce vita."
Earlier, Rasha Thadani shared photos from her stay in Italy. She was seen dressed in a black-and-white floral printed dress as she posed in the backdrop of the Amalfi Coast. She was accompanied by her mother Raveena Tandon and they toured the ruins of Pompeii. The mother-and-daughter duo has been busy the past month making their way through Europe. They have already made their stops in London, Paris, Spain, Budapest and of course Italy.
Raveena Tandon also gave a glimpse into her Spain adventures. She dressed in a printed off-shoulder dress for the day, while Rasha Thadani joined her in a floral ankle-length dress. The duo enjoyed some cultural dance performances, experienced wine tasting, and had a hearty meal. Rasha also turned into a Flamenco dancer and thigh-high slit red dress.
Raveena Tandon and Rasha Thadani also made a stop in Budapest, Hungary. Raveena shared a series of photos of herself and her daughter posing in front of the lovely vistas of the European city. Raveena is shown in the first photo wearing an olive green co-ord set with her hair open and no makeup. Rasha is wearing a white crop top with a black zipper and matching joggers. Another photo showed the mother and daughter posing with their friends. The Mohra actress also posted glimpses of their day tour, which highlighted Budapest's architectural beauty. Raveena captioned the post, "All in a day's work!" #budapest."
A holiday in Europe can be on your cards too with cues from this globetrotting family.
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