The festive season in India has officially begun with Raksha Bandhan follwed by Ganesh Chaturthi. Next on the calendar is Dusshera which is also known as Vijayadashami. It is one of the most vibrant, and culturally significant festivals celebrated in India as it marks the triumph of good over evil. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm, pomp, and devotion across the country. Friends, family and relatives come together to celebrate the festival. There are sweets distributed, new clothes purchased and temples visited on the occasion of Dusshera. We have curated a list of 6 places that one can visit in India to admire the beauty of the festival in its true spirit.
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6 Places To Visit To Witness Grand Dusshera Celebrations
1. Mysore, Karnataka
Mysore is renowned for its grand Dusshera celebrations. The Mysore Palace is illuminated with thousands of lights which marks the end of evil. The city hosts a magnificent procession featuring the idol of Goddess Chamundeshwari who rests on a decorated elephant. The festivities also include traditional dance performances, and music, that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Karnataka.
2. Kolkata, West Bengal
Dusshera in Kolkata is famous for the grand celebrations of Durga Pujo. It is a ten-day extravaganza that culminates on Vijayadashami. The city comes alive with elaborately crafted pandals that house intricately designed idols of Goddess Durga. The festivities are accompanied by traditional music and dance performances.
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3. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the country and offers a unique Dusshera experience. Devotees gather at the ghats along the Ganges to witness the grand aarti being performed. The city also hosts processions featuring idols of Lord Rama and his victory over Ravana, popularly known as Ramleela.
4. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
Dusshera in Kullu is famous for its week-long festivities, which include processions, folk dances, and music. The highlight is the assembly of deities from nearby temples, which are carried in chariots and paraded through the town so that the residents take blessings of the idols.
5. Kota, Rajasthan
In Kota, Dusshera is celebrated with a kite-flying ritual. The city hosts a kite-flying festival known as the "Sky Festival" during this time. To add to this, cultural events and fairs are organized, providing a glimpse into the rich Rajasthani culture.
6. Kochi, Kerala
Dusshera is celebrated as Navaratri in Kerala with grand processions and traditional dance performances, especially in the city of Kochi. The renowned "Navaratri Music Festival" features classical music concerts, and marks a grand celebration of the festival.
Each region in India has its unique traditions and cultural practices that make the festival a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you choose to witness the grandeur of Mysore or the artistic marvels of Kolkata's Durga Puja, Dussehra in India is a celebration that showcases the rich culture of the country.
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