Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are enjoying Europe during their 2023 summer vacation. In her latest photo on Instagram, the star's picture showcased the stunning Alps in the background with the couple on a lush mountaintop, dotted with yellow flowers. While the actress wore an entirely white outfit with black accessories and loafers, husband Saif picked a red shirt with shorts and sneakers. Their younglings Jehangir and Taimur can be seen playing in the background. Her caption said, "Hair Flying, Hero next to me, Alps in the background…Ready for the shot, Summer 2023"
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When the family headed for their "summer lunch", of course it was in style. Kareena wore a striped shirt over a red bandeau with sunglasses while Saif picked a blue shirt and a cap. Taimur looked sunny in a yellow t-shirt as they gathered for a delightful meal by the seaside.
They, along with their sons Taimur and Jehangir, had the time of their life on their recent London vacation. Since then, the actress kept the internet buzzing with snippets of her travel diaries. Whether gorging on scrumptious dishes or spending some quality time with the family, Kareena's back-to-back travel updates have turned the Instagram family green with envy. In the picture, shared by Saif Ali Khan's sister Saba Pataudi, Taimur is seated on his mother Kareena Kapoor Khan's lap. The picture was clicked during their time in Kensington Gardens. Dishing out some uber-cool style statements, Kareena can be seen decked in blue denim jeans with a white T-shirt. She even carried a striped shirt that she tied around her waist. Taimur, on the other hand, looked smart in a lemon yellow T-shirt, which he paired with charcoal grey jogger pants. While sharing the picture, Saba wrote in the caption, “Mother n Son…Just...perfect. Mahsha'Allah....”
This picture came just a few days after Saba Pataudi shared a heart-melting picture of Kareena Kapoor Khan watching Taimur, Jehangir and Inaaya Naumi Kemmu playing in the park. Yes, Kunal Kemmu with his wife Soha Ali Khan and daughter Inaaya were also present there.
When they assembled for a family breakfast, Kareena stated in her caption that "We like our breakfasts to be CoLoUrFuL". While mom and dad wore citrus-toned shirts, both boys picked football jerseys as they tucked into their fruit plates to start their day.
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