Ayurvedic Ingredients

For Your Skin

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The amazing benefits of Ayurvedic ingredients are no secret. Here are some enriching ingredients that are known to work wonders for skincare

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1. Sandalwood

Sandalwood acts as an anti-bacterial that fights acne causing bacteria and also reduces signs of early ageing 

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2. Neem

Neem is anti-inflammatory in nature that reduces the redness of pimples while also fights blemishes and detoxifies the skin 

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3. Saffron

This expensive spice is known to have anti-ageing properties for everlasting youthful skin with natural radiance

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4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known to be a natural coolant for allergies and redness created by suntan. It also soothes scar marks and cuts

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5. Rose

Rose water is a natural face toner while dried rose petals in face packs act as a brightening agent for your skin 

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6. Honey

Honey isn't just anti-microbial but is also a natural moisturiser for the skin. You can apply it directly or combine in DIY face packs

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7. Turmeric

This superfood has healing properties that fight against acne causing bacteria. It also promotes natural glowing skin

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8. Tulsi

The tulsi plant has anti-ageing properties which reduces visible signs like wrinkles and fine lines and also prevents blackheads and acne 

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9. Amla

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is packed with Vitamin C and works as an excellent source to promote cell regeneration 

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