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Beauty Tips For Attending A Function

A good skin-care routine is highly imperative before applying makeup for a party or function. The first step should be to clean your skin. Choose a good face wash or cleanser

Treat Your Skin First

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Use a mild toner to replenish your skin. After that, hydrate your skin using a lightweight water-based formulated moisturiser 

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Tone And Moisturize

Face oils lower inflammation and regenerate skin cells. They make your skin look smooth. Dab a few drops of oil on your neck too. 

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Face Oil

Hydrate your under-eye area using an eye cream. This will help in avoiding any creases which may form after applying concealer 

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Eye Care

Applying primer, foundation, and concealer is a must. Primer helps makeup last longer. Foundation gives an even tone to your skin. Concealer covers dark spots, blemishes

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Primer, Foundation, Concealer

Once you are done with makeup, it is very important to use a makeup setting spray. It helps makeup last longer and intact

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Set Your Makeup

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