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Ways To Reduce Premature Skin Aging

Irrespective of the weather, sunscreen is one of the most important skincare products which should be used daily

Wear Sunscreen

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Taking a healthy and a balanced diet can help prevent damage that leads to premature skin aging

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Balanced Diet

Smoking is bad for your health, even for your skin. It speeds skin aging and causes wrinkles and dull complexion

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Stop Smoking

Do not forget to carry your sunglasses when outdoors. This will protect the delicate skin around the eyes and can prevent any sort of wrinkle in that area

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Wear Sunglasses

Want to prevent any sort of premature aging? Start using retinols from your mid twenties. It helps skin look younger

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Use Retinol

Use a gentle cleanser for your face, and while washing do not harshly rub your skin

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Gentle Cleansing

Make it a daily routine to wash your face twice in a day in morning and at night before going to the bed

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Wash Face Daily

For our skin to look all plumped up and hydrated, it needs moisturization. Do not forget to use moisturizer everyday

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Moisturizer Is A Must

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