Why Yoga Must Be A Part Of Our Daily Routine?

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International Yoga Day, celebrated on June 21, serves as a platform to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and promote its holistic approach to physical and spiritual health

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The concept of Int'l Yoga Day was introduced by PM Modi during his 2014 address to the United Nations General Assembly. Since then, yoga has gained huge popularity worldwide


This year's Yoga Day theme is Yoga For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam i.e. Yoga for the welfare of all in the form of One World-One Family. It emphasises the spirit of Yoga


Asanas in yoga increase joint mobility, muscular tone, and general body strength. Practicing these five yoga asanas at home will help you live a healthier and more pleasant life

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Sukhasana: A pose that provides a stable and relaxed platform for meditation, breathing exercises, and light stretching. It helps calm the mind, ease lower back and tightness

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Anulom Vilom: Helps balance the flow of energy in the body. Practicing this improves breathing efficiency, increases oxygen intake, and removes toxin energy from body

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Balasana aka Child's Pose: Stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. It helps to release tightness in these areas, especially after prolonged periods of sitting or physical activity

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Bhujangasana: Also known as 'cobra pose', is an excellent pose for strengthening and stretching the muscles in your spine and increase blood flow

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Shavasana: Reduces stress, anxiety, and tiredness in the body. The goal is for the practitioner to fully release and surrender, for that allow yourself ample time for this asana

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