Blood thinning foods boost cardiovascular health. This can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes
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Fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout lower the triglyceride level in blood due to the presence of rich amount of Omega-3 fatty acids
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Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin which prevents platelets from clumping together and forming blood clots
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Flaxseeds are a source of alpha-linolenic acid (ala), which is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid. They have antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory effects which promote better blood flow
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Olive oil is known for its healthy-heart benefits. Its monounsaturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of blood coagulation
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Ginger contains natural acid salicylate which works as a blood decoagulant. It also helps to widen blood vessels due to its vasodilatory effects which promotes smooth blood flow
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Garlic promotes production of nitric oxide. It helps relax blood vessels and prevent clotting. Ajoene, a sulphur containing derivative of garlic, hinders platelet aggregation
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Dark chocolate thins the blood due to its content of flavonoids. They are plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects