How To Cope With Daily Stress

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Workplace pressure, lifestyle change, fatigue etc can lead to stress. It can take a toll on mental health. Try these tips to keep yourself away from stress


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Although, any time is good for meditation, sunrise is supposedly the best. It helps remove negative emotions, clean thoughts and manage stress levels


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Stress makes you crave for comfort foods high in carbs. Whereas, a balanced and clean diet helps reduce stress greatly and keep you physically fit

Good Food

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Maintain a journal and try to jot down your thoughts in it. This helps manage your anxiety and makes you feel relieved 

Keep Yourself Busy

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Whenever you feel pressured, don't be hard on yourself! Try to become free and take small breaks frequently. This will refresh you and relax your mind

Take Breaks

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Make sure you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. If you face trouble in this, contact a doctor. A good sleep will keep your hormones balanced and reduce your stress

Sound Sleep

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Stretching exercises have proven to reverse the cycle of tension. It boosts serotonin levels (the hormone that controls mood swings) 


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