Yoga Asanas To Release Negative Thoughts

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Feeling low and depressed lately? Try out these five amazing yoga asanas to get rid of all the negative thoughts

Why Asanas?

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It is also known as ‘Cobbler pose'. It is a seated posture. This asana is considered as the best anti-depressant therapy. It also improves emotional stability

Baddha Konasana

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It is often referred to as the ‘reclined cobbler pose'. This asana helps one attain calmness and instills a sense of relaxation

Supta Baddha Konasana

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Setu Bandhasana is known for reducing stress and anxiety. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure

Setu Bandhasana

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Child's Pose, aka ‘Balasana', is an extremely soothing posture. It helps achieve peace and is a great relaxation technique

Child Pose

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Marjariasana helps in releasing tension from the spine. This yoga pose can improve flexibility and can also calm you


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