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Vegetable Plants For First Time Gardeners

Planning to grow vegetables but not able to figure out from where to start? Amateur gardeners must try out these tips  for amazing results

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Radish: Pick the variety to plant. It take only 3 weeks to grow and can be inter-planted with slower-growing vegetables. The plant seeds in April-May. Reap in Aug-Sept

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Spinach is considered to be great crop for first time gardeners as this crop can handle any climate and is easy on the pockets

Broccoli is known as a summer crop. Remember, for a good production try to grow it in early spring and in fall. It takes 4-10 months to crop

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Consider planting cucumber and reaping it as a beginners' test. Its mass production asks for rays, water, warm temperature and support but takes a little less time to grow

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Growing Zucchini is as easy as just sowing the seeds. Once you set up the plant it grows fast. However, be careful as the plant is vulnerable to a number of pests and diseases

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Carrots with crunchy roots may be a tough task to grow, but once you understand the germination process, it'll be easy. Plus point: Some varieties are resistant to diseases/pests

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