Common Intimacy Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Relationship

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Here are some common intimacy mistakes that can hamper your relationship

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Ignoring your partner's boundaries or needs can tend to become problematic and eventually create distance

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Unrealistic expectations from your partner can potentially create gaps in your relationship

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Having a healthy communication with your partner is important to understand each other's desires and the lack of it can create rifts

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Pretending to enjoy the act when you are unsure about it can lead to differences and eventually mental health issues

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Avoid rushing into things if you sense your partner's hesitance or discomfort and instead be patient and allow them time to be ready at their own pace

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You probably don't initiate as much as your partner does which may lead to fights amongst you

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Lack of trust with your partner can make intimacy less enjoy so make sure you're sure of whom you want to share it with

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