Smart Shopping Tips To Save Money
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Make a shopping list:
Create a list of items you need and stick to it. Don't buy anything that is not on your list
Make a shopping list
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If you set a budget for your shopping, it will be easy for you to manage the list. In that case, it will be easier not to overspend
Set a budget
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It is normally seen that payments for shopped items is done through online mode of transactions, one tends to overbuy
Prefer cash as payment mode
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Just in case if you are shopping online, try to compare the prices of the items on different apps or websites
Compare price
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Before buying something new, make it a habit to read the reviews of the products. Then accordingly purchase
Always read reviews
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For that extra discount, never forget to apply or use coupon or promo codes if any
Use coupons and codes
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If you are on a shopping spree, make sure you are not empty stomach. As, restaurant bills will just add more to the expense
Never shop empty stomach
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Impulsive buys will always make you overspend. If you have that tendency, then avoid window shopping
Say no to impulse shopping
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