Bigg Boss OTT season 1 winner Divya Agarwal on Tuesday got married to her boyfriend Apurva Padgaonkar in a traditional Marathi wedding. Hours after embarking on the journey of togetherness, the couple shared lovely pictures to announce the big news. What struck a chord with us was the couple dressed in matching nuptial trousseaus for their purple-themed wedding. Divya picked a purple and violet ombre lehenga set that highlighted an overall print and subtle embroidery. She paired it with a heavily embellished and floral embroidered blouse with short sleeves. A matching hued dupatta with broad borders sealed her bridal look together. A three-tiered jewellery set with a subtle hint of emerald green rounded off her traditional appearance. Divya ditched the maang tikka and opted for traditional chooda and kaleera. For makeup, she went with rosy pink minimal glam. The actress left her middle-parted curled tresses open.
Apurva Padgaonkar twinned with his bride as he wore a purple and violet-toned ombre kurta-pyjama set. The kurta was adorned with floral prints at the bottom, while the border featured sequin lace detailing that matched his V-neckline. Apurva paired the kurta with plum-hued straight pyjama that was in sync with his achkan dupatta.
The couple also wore mundavalya on their foreheads which is a Marathi custom.
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For the mehendi ceremony, Divya Agarwal slipped into a multi-colour lehenga set. The actress paired a fuchsia pink lehenga with a heavily embellished bright yellow kurta. The lehenga featured an overall gold work. The long kurta highlighted embroidery in pink and green tones, while it was further adorned with white and gold beadwork. A tulle dupatta in pink, yellow and green completed the look to perfection. This time Divya tied her hair in a middle-parted braid. She picked a slinky emerald green jewellery set from the accessory aisle. Divya carried her minimal dewy look with pink lips.
Apurva Padgaonkar wore a silk kurta pyjama with Nehru jacket. He styled his peach kurta in sleeves rolled up style and paired it with matching straight pyjamas. A contrasting white Nehru jacket with overall embroidery added royalty to his look. A matching pair of mojris looked smart on him.
For the cocktail party, Divya Agarwal slipped into a golden ruffle saree. The pre-drape number featured an overall sequin work. She teamed it with a sleeveless blouse with a plunging V-neckline. She kept the look minimal with just a choker-style jewellery and a bracelet.
Apurva Padgaonkar complemented his lady love with his semi-formal look. He wore a black shimmery round-neck T-shirt underneath a black peak collared blazer and a straight pair of trousers.
Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar got engaged in December 2022.
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