Rakul Preet Singh's wedding diaries were high on love and fashion. While pastel shades were the theme of her marriage, sunset hues, cocktail blues, and pristine whites were the colour palettes of her pre-wedding festivities. The focal point of Rakul's mehendi ensemble was “incorporating her culture and roots” into the heavily embroidered floral lehenga set. According to Rakul's stylist Ami Patel, who recognises herself as a Sikh Punjabi girl, “the inspiration from the beautiful world of phulkari was truly the best idea ever.” Crafted with perfection by designer Arpita Mehta, the toasted orange shades and pink phulkari embroidered blouse and lehenga skirt featuring signature mirror work detailing was “everything a girl could ask for a mehendi look”. The “modern silhouette of a bustier, a fitted lungi skirt, and a magnificent cape,” was a dream outfit, making Rakul's mehendi ceremony extra special.
(Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh And Jackky Bhagnani Were Dressed In Sunset Hues By This Designer Couple For Their Mehendi Ceremony)
There was a whole lot of heart in the making of the mehendi ensemble too. Designer of the outfit Arpita Mehta wrote on Instagram, "Months of dedication, countless trials, and meticulous attention to detail led to this bespoke masterpiece. Adorned with 680 hours of intricate phulkari-inspired embroidery, each stitch is a testament to love and craftsmanship."
“Bunches of pearls and diamonds intricately embroidered” together, coupled with designer Falguni Shane Peacock's expertise were assembled to make Rakul Preet Singh's exquisite couture sangeet lehenga. The glam factor was brought on by the diamond-encrusted top with shoulder pad detail and the weightless intricately embroidered trail. The sequin-embellished greyish-green blouse and flared lehenga skirt paid homage to the bride. The beaded tassels worked their magic on the ensemble. Rakul's stylists went “as OTT as possible” with the sparkling diamond jewellery. To sum it up, the ethnic number was a true dramatic, fashion-forward look in Indian weddings.
“Reflecting the spirit of joy, fun, and mischief of” Rakul Preet Singh's haldi ceremony, the vibrant embellished lehenga from Papa Don't Preach transformed the actress into the perfect bohemian bride. The floral-embellished and beadwork-adorned strappy bralette and flared lehenga skirt captured Rakul's joyous and springy mood. The actress ditched floral jewellery for customised beaded earrings.
Rakul Preet Singh's wedding lehenga by Tarun Tahiliani was high on “peaches and pinks, flowers and delicate embroidery all thrown over a base of gold nude.” She looked dreamy and ethereal in her bridal look, as she walked down the aisle on a cloud of love. The sparkle in her eyes and the mischief in her smile were unmissable.
Pick your favourite. We certainly can't!
Comments(Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh's Tarun Tahiliani Lehenga Has Mirror Work Along With A Silk Tissue Georgette Veil)