If you haven't been eating right, sleeping well or exercising enough for a long period of time, chances are your habits will catch up with you. You may forget that you haven't walked a stretch or eaten greens in months but your body doesn't. It will go to the extent of telling you that you need to sit up and start paying attention to it. Since it can't drop you a text or give you a call, it sends you signs through your health. If you've faced any of these signs over a long period of time, it's time to start treating your body better and if needed, consult a medical professional.
1. Dull, Broken Hair
Due to constant heat styling or exposure to the elements, hair faces breakage and dullness on a regular basis. So expect fallen strands and a not-so-shiny appearance every now and again. However, if your hair is falling in bunches, brittle enough to break at touch and is consistently lackluster in appearance, it's a signal to change what you're consuming, rather than what's on your beauty table.
2. Perpetually Tiredness
After a long day, everyone feels like they are tired enough to sleep for a week. It's a feeling that sometimes follows us when we've have sleepless nights too. However, if that feeling of always being tired never really leaves you, it could mean that you need to regulate your sleep cycle better or it could mean other underlying health issues.
3. Irregular Periods
Every now and again, every woman faces the event where her menstrual cycle arrives early or late. Sometimes, not at all; all of which is quite common occasionally but not regularly. If your periods appear irregularly or they haven't shown up for more than 3 months, consult a doctor. There are numerous reasons why this occurs (other than pregnancy) and a gynecologist is the right person to diagnose and treat it.
4. Breathlessness
You climb a flight of stairs and you're wheezing, out of breath and sweating profusely. This is a sure shot sign that your body isn't getting enough physical activity needed which is affecting your health. Even if you have a sedentary job, a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise is necessary every day so make sure to pencil it in to prevent your cardiovascular health from suffering in the long run.
5. Weight Gain
Gaining weight when you expect to put on a few kilos is one thing. But putting on weight suddenly for no apparent reason is quite another. Monitor the latter over a period of time and if it continues, it needs medical attention as it could be tied to thyroid problems or PCOD in women.