You wake up and snooze the five different alarms you set the night before. The five alarms that woke you up but weren't a match for your sheer laziness to even get out of bed. And that's how many of your weekdays begin. Sad but true. Many of us find it absolutely hard to wake up in the morning - we somehow do not manage to sleep on time (I mean, who will watch all those episodes of the show you are bingeing on right now?), and then we can't even manage to wake up in time for our mornings to be sufficiently productive.
But let's try and change that yeah? Here's are some ways to fight your daily dose of innate laziness.
Set an easy task for the morning
When you know the night before that you don't have a heavy task all waiting for you in the morning, it is easier to pull yourself out of bed. Therefore set yourself an easy task in the morning. Baby steps, like they say.
This has been said way too many times, only because it is as essential as it is efficient. The rush of adrenaline and endorphins in the morning does more to wake you up than anything else. So schedule that small amount of running or jogging or yoga for your mornings.
Get in a good brekky
Getting in the right amount of nutrition charges your morning, as you feel fueled and energised. Starting your day empty stomach or survive a morning on one mug of coffee; that's like surviving on fumes.
Change the work environment
If you are not having a productive day at work, how about changing your work environment a bit? Take your laptop to a nearby cafe or a library. Being around productive people will bring it out in you as well.
Push out of bed
It is simple. It is one split second decision. The moment the second alarm rings, gather all your strength and just push out of bed and head straight to the washroom. This might take some time. And practice.