Standing Up For Tough Mothers - Advertorial Television commercials and cinema have often romanticized parenthood which puts pressure on mothers to prove themselves as great moms. This glorified journey of being a mother without any mention of stress, the doubts playing on their minds and the occasional and at times overwhelming guilt is an incomplete depiction. The missing piece is the image of a mom when she has to be seen more as a parent than a friend to her child. It is during those moments that she often meets with resistance, and quite often, from those closest to her.
Right from their formative years, we need to nurture belief in both parents, along with a sense of equal respect for both genders.
The recent campaign by All Out® #StandByToughMoms showcases and calls out for support for mothers when they make tough parenting decisions. They also conducted a survey, in collaboration with Momspresso sampling 120 mothers from diverse backgrounds, aged 25-45, with children in the ages of 2 to 16 years. The findings of the survey highlight the need for such inclusive support. Of the respondents, 75% mothers felt that they are judged for the tough decisions they make for their children, while 96% mothers stated that making decisions was a crucial part of shaping and protecting the next generation.
When a mother's decisions are challenged or judged, especially in front of the child, it presents a weaker parent and may shape gender notions for the child. The All Out® #StandByToughMoms campaign is an appeal to society to support mothers in their parenting decisions; by stopping or judging her as they deter her from bringing up a responsible next generation.
The campaign, which has received more than 33 million views so far, comes as just the beginning- a first call to society to stand up in support of these mothers, who are role-models for the young minds. To give it further perspective, All Out brought together experts from various walks of life, including - Akshay Kumar, the Indian Badminton team's chief coach Pullela Gopichand, renowned academician Shayama Chona and SC Johnson's Global Chief Marketing Officer Anindita Mukherjee on a panel discussion to talk about the issue.