All of Bollywood has been using the Coronavirus quarantine to refocus on themselves, realign their lifestyle and breathe easy at home. Without the luxury of personal trainers and 5-star chefs, they are exploring their skills which fit in with their healthy lifestyles. Tamannaah Bhatia is no different. Since the nationwide lockdown has been announced, the actress has been featuring her daily doings on Instagram.
Today she shrugged off the feeling of boredom and used the time to make Amla juice at home which was shared with her parents as well. Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is an incredible source of Vitamin C as well as calcium and iron. The fruit has been a part of Indian households for centuries. Enriched in beauty products, it has promised gorgeous tresses and stunning skin. In the kitchen, it is pickled into tangy delights.
(Also Read: Amla For Hair Care: 5 Amazing Beauty Products You Need To Try)
Today, Amla isn't only an Indian staple. The likes of Cindy Crawford and Sophia Vergara have added it to their routines.
(Also Read: The Indian Fruit That Keeps Cindy Crawford's Doctor Away)
As for Tamannaah, the healthy addition of homemade Amla juice to her diet isn't simply a passing phase. Throughout the weeks of lockdown, the actress has made her health and fitness a top priority. She shared her exercise routine at home filmed with the help of a tissue box and tray.
For breakfast, she put together a delicious and healthy spread of gluten-free pancakes and French toast accompanied by assorted nuts, berries and honey.
She has also made yoga part of her routine at home.
Now that's how you can continue to stay healthy even when quarantining at home.
Comments(Also Read: 3 Amazing Ways To Use Amla For Beautiful Skin)