Every now and then, there is something or other that creates a buzz on the internet. Whether it is a trend or a new diet, most of us often hop onto new trends easily. There might be endless trends that we find appealing because of their weight loss advantages but let us clear something; a disciplined diet and skipping a meal are not the same thing. Skipping a meal to lose weight or maybe because you are too busy to eat is something that no one should be doing. There can be endless reasons that you must never be skipping meals and here are some of them.
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Here's Why You Must Stop Skipping Meals
1. Lowers The Metabolism
There is a certain level of energy that our body needs to function. It lowers the energy level which in turn causes it to burn fewer calories. In fact, it can even make you feel dizzy or sluggish as eventually food is like fuel and when the body runs out of fuel, it will feel low.
2. Sugar Levels Can Drop
Our meals give us energy and what we eat helps in maintaining our energy level and depending on that, our sugar levels can fluctuate too. Going without a meal can drop your blood sugar levels enough that you feel tired and droopy. You may even feel more sleepy.
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3. You Could Have Nutrient Deficiencies
When you skip a meal, you could be missing out on major nutrients and essentials that your body needs. There could be several reasons for nutrient deficiencies but skipping meals could be a major one and as a result, you might even start feeling changes in your body, skin or even hair.
4. You Could Have Digestive Problems
Skipping a meal and then eating another meal in a large gap can absolutely be a reason behind digestive issues because there are chances that you might skip a meal and then binge eat which is not an ideal thing to do. Your body has an idea of how much it needs and exceeding that can be a problem.
5. Can Increase Risk Of Diabetes
Skipping lunch or eating a heavy dinner in the evening on a daily basis elevates your blood glucose levels which eventually might lead to diabetes in the long run. It also depends on the lifestyle and food habits of the person.
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