Rakul Preet Singh's fit and fab diaries serve as a testament to her commitment to well-being. In her latest Instagram entry, Rakul shared a slew of pictures and videos, documenting how her past week "just flew by” in a jiffy. “Some wellness with my best guy Jackky Bhagnani,” she captioned the post. The first video captured the actress working on her muscles by executing a cable machine workout. It was followed by indulging in nutritious meals. Jackky made an appearance in one of the frames, relishing a beverage. That's not all. Rakul proved herself to be a water baby by diving into a lake and calling the experience “amazing”. Next on her wellness list, was embarking on a hike amid forestry trails, and soaking in the beauty of nature by sitting at a bench. She enjoyed a thrilling wild river tube ride with her husband amid strong waves.
If you are lacking the motivation to hit the gym on Monday, take some inspiration from Rakul Preet Singh. Previously, the actress put emphasis on toning her arm, back, and core muscles. And what's the better way to improve overall strength if not by weight training? Rakul did just that but with a twist. She performed a range of weighted variations of tricep extensions at a gym facility. She remained unfazed by the stress lines on her face, underlining commendable grit and determination. “The feeling of killing every workout is bliss,” she wrote on Instagram and we agreed wholeheartedly.
Rakul Preet Singh celebrated International Yoga Day by doing a myriad of “partner stretches” with Jackky Bhagnani. “Together in wellness and all things beautiful. Happy International Yoga Day to all of you lovely people. Yoga is a state of mind, a state of bliss, a feeling of being one with yourself and the universe. Take baby steps towards a healthier you,” read her caption.
Trust Rakul Preet Singh to serve the right kind of wellness inspiration with a side of love.