Samantha Ruth Prabhu loves to work hard, and her back-to-back projects are proof. The star, who is busy shooting for her upcoming flick, recently shared a snippet of her recovery day. She shared a picture on her Instagram Story, where she can be seen in an acupuncture session. In the picture, we can see acupuncture needles inserted into the specific acupoints of her knee. Sharing the picture, she wrote, “Can I be an action star without the injuries please”. We don't know much about her injury, but we surely know how beneficial acupuncture is, specially for the skin and body.
(Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu Showcases Her Pickleball Skills: 5 Health Benefits Of The Paddle Sport)
Benefits of acupuncture
1. Diminishes fine lines
In an acupuncture session, tiny needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the face. The stimulation helps increase collagen production and improves blood circulation. This results in skin elasticity, reduced wrinkles, fine lines and a brighter complexion.
2. Reduced acne
Facial acupuncture has many benefits; one of which is to reduce acne issues. Targeting specific facial acupoints aims to balance the body's internal energy which can lead to acne development. Insertion of these needles assists in detoxification and cell regeneration that is associated with acne.
3. Stress Management
Acupuncture works as a natural remedy for stress management. By targeting the key points of stress and tension, acupuncture relaxes the body. This not only reduces stress but also enhances overall mood.
4. Better sleep quality
By balancing the energy flow of the body, acupuncture promotes relaxation. This can lead to improved sleep quality, helping individuals to achieve much deeper sleep.
5. Improved collagen production
Another major benefit of acupuncture is its potential to enhance skin firmness by improving collagen production. This therapy prompts the body's natural healing response and releases growth factors. It provides essential oxygen to the skin cells that are responsible for collagen production.
Acupuncture is indeed a very relaxing method to ease body pain and stress.