Samantha Ruth Prabhu's latest Instagram entry is pure gold for wellness enthusiasts. The actress recently shared a video on her wellness routine. She said, “I wake up at 5.30 and as soon as I wake up, I start journaling. I write a gratitude journal. I set myself up to have a good day… And then, just five minutes of sun soak. I do a breathing exercise. What I follow is the Wim Hof method. I really, really like that. Meditation - like 25 minutes of meditation. I have been doing Isha Kriya for a while now and it has been transforming.”
Samantha Ruth Prabhu continued, “I have recently, over the last couple of months, started tapping. So tapping is a process that helps you balance your energy and also helps relieve pain. So journaling, sun soak, Wim Hof, meditation, tapping, that is a lot; 5, but you can start with one or two and you will see great changes.” These may sound like pure jargon to the unversed, but help is at hand. We break all of it down for you and explain the benefits below.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's morning routine is intense and rigorous. Here's why:
1. Journaling
Writing down thoughts is believed to be highly therapeutic. This practice does not only help in organising one's thoughts, but also reduces stress, and promotes self-awareness. Regular journaling improves mood and enhances problem-solving skills.
Also Read: Why You Need To Start A Bullet Journal
2. Sun-soaking
If you have low Vitamin D levels, this practice is a must. According to Doctor NDTV, apart from boosting Vitamin D levels, sunbathing improves sleep, helps manage stress, improves bone health, boosts immunity and regulates blood pressure. What's more, sun exposure increases the production of serotonin, a hormone "which could also improve mood and foster feelings of calm."
3. Wim Hof Method
This method includes breathing techniques, cold exposure, and mindset training. It has been associated with multiple health benefits such as improved immune function, reduced stress, heightened focus and better sleep.
4. Meditation
Included in the benefits of Meditation are lowering of stress levels, reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms and slowing down of the ageing process of the brain Additionally, it is known to offer various physical benefits like lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and better pain management.
5. Tapping
Also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), this involves tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on emotional issues. These pressure points range from the forehead to the collarbone, under the arm and the side of the hands. This technique has been known to reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, as well as reduce physical symptoms like pain and tension.
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