Thyroid plays an important part of the endocrine system. It produces thyroid hormone as it maintains metabolic activities in our body. Many health issues are caused due to imbalance of thyroid hormone in our body. Thyroid imbalance happens when ojas, the Ayurvedic essence of health, is depleted in the body. As a result the person starts experiencing chronic fatigue, dullness, tiredness and has weak immunity as a result common health problem keep happening frequently.
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Thyroid Disorders
They are of two types: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
Symptoms for Hypothyroidism
First of all, let's understand about hypothyroidism. In this, thyroid gland is not able to produce due to which the body does get the required amount of T3 and T4 hormones. In this situation, the person indicates the following symptoms:
Sudden increase in weight
Interest in daily activities decreases,
ADVERTISEMENTBody's immune system becomes weak,
Swelling and cramps in the feet
ADVERTISEMENTDifficulty in physical activity
Feels cold
ADVERTISEMENTProblem of constipation,
Swollen face and eyes
Menstrual cycle becomes irregular,
Skin becomes rough and dry
The voice becomes rugged and heavy
This disease occurs between 30 and 70 years of age for both women and men.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
So let's know about hyperthyroidism. In this, thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxin and becomes more soluble in blood.
Sudden increase in weight
Increase in appetite
Unable to bear heat
Excessive sweating
Muscles become weak
Increase in the heartbeat
Loss of sleep
Monthly discharge increase and becomes irregular
Hyperthyroidism mostly occurs in women who are in their 20's.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Thyroid
1. Jalkumbhi and drumstick helps in improving the level of iodine in the body.
2. Dhaniya (coriander) and jeerak siddha jala helps in better recovery from swelling that is sometimes seen in some cases of thyroid problems.
3. Avoid eating raw vegetables, especially Cauliflower, Kale, Brussels sprouts and Broccoli.
4. Vitamin D deficiency may trigger thyroid problems. Exposure to the sun early in the morning is a good way to treat the deficiency. Exercising outdoors stimulates thyroid glands, boosts immunity and regulates calcium metabolism.
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5. It is suggested to avoid all forms of processed sugar in thyroid. Also, it is recommended to reduce intake of food that is rich in natural sugars.
6. Eat food that is rich in Vitamin A such as broccoli, spinach, and most dark green leafy vegetables, fruits like apple and banana.
7. Ginger helps in Thyroid, boil some ginger in water and drink it like tea.
About the author: Dr. Partap Chauhan is the Director of Jiva Ayurveda, an author, public speaker, TV personality and Ayurvedacharya.
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