This Article is From Jun 16, 2020

Yoga For Back And Neck Pain: Effective Asanas That Can Help You

Turn to yoga asanas to build muscle strength and tackle common lifestyle ailments like back and neck pain

Yoga For Back And Neck Pain: Effective Asanas That Can Help You
Try these yoga asanas to reduce your neck and back pain

Due to the hectic lifestyles we lead, not always do we find the time to look after our body and keep it in the best of health. As such ailments like neck and back pain have become common in our daily lives, with everyone experiencing it from time to time. It's not without reasons that experts emphasise on the importance of physical activities. Daily exercises help in strengthening the muscles, which then prevents us from experiencing common lifestyle ailments like back and neck pain. And what can help in tackling them are various types of yoga asanas that are known to work effectively. 

According to Deepika Dikshit, senior yoga teacher at Jindal Naturecure Institute, “Neck and upper back pain are common problems that we have all experienced in our life. It can be because of not exercising and leading a sedentary life that makes the muscles weak, maintaining wrong posture while working in front of the laptop or doing a desk job, overworking the muscles while in the kitchen or cleaning the utensils, or lifting things in an improper way. All these lead to muscle strain, and because of bad habits we tend to ignore this. When the condition worsens is when we experience back and neck pain.”

(Also read: The Incredible Benefits Of Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath))

Deepika Dikshit further adds, “Yoga has the ability to prevent or treat back and neck pain successfully. There are a few asanas that can help you, which you can do in simple sitting positions like Vajrasana.” Here's a look at some yoga asanas that are effective when it comes to getting relief from back and neck pain.

Yoga Asanas For Back And Neck Pain

These asanas include:

1. Shoulder Rotation

It is a very helpful practice that strengthens the shoulder joints and improves mobility. It promotes scapula stability.

2. Neck Exercise

Shoulder and neck rotation are muscle loosening practises that prepares you for other asanas where you will stretch the body. 

neck exercise 625

Shoulder and neck rotation are muscle loosening practises

3. Hasta Parshvasana

It's a great stretching exercise that works particularly well if you have been sitting for long hours. 

4. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This exercise opens up the hips and strengthens the shoulders and the back. It opens up the chest to improve respiration and eases lower back pain. 

5. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

This is a yoga asana that helps to maintain an erect posture. It relieves tension and stress from the upper back and shoulders, and improves cardio-respiration functions. 

Practise these simple yoga asanas and get relief from neck and back pain. 

(Also read: Surya Namaskar For Beginners: How To Master The 12 Yoga Poses)