Be it acing the smokey eye magic or rocking the minimal makeup, Bhumi Pednekar's glam game is always on point. In her latest entry, the diva tried out the viral “Instagram hack” of achieving the perfect winged eyeliner. And guess what? It worked out for her. In the video, Bhumi sported a fresh-face look, her flawlessly radiant skin on full display. Prepping her eyelids with an eye primer, the actress moved on to use white tapes. Firstly, she stretched the white strips from the lower-outer corner of her eyes to the temples. With a kajal stick, she made a thick line along the edge and smudged it with a brush to create a smokey texture. A nude shimmery eyeshadow, followed by a brown metallic one sealed her minimal eye makeover. Repeating the process with the other eye, when Bhumi finally removed the tapes, she was left with a stunning winged, smokey eyeliner effect.
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In another makeup tutorial, Bhumi Pednekar spilled the secrets of her “under 5 minutes makeup routine”. On a hydrated base, the actress laid the makeup foundation by dabbing some serum. To enhance her cheekbones, generous amounts of contour were used with a makeup brush. With just a hint of dewy skin tint, Bhumi delivered an extra shine to her cheeks. What followed was a serum-powdered foundation mixed well with a blender and a corrector pen to get rid of any under-eye issues. While some concealer and compact set her base, Bhumi added a dose of glitter to her beauty venture by applying shimmery nude eyeshadow and similar-shaded nude lipstick. A setting spray made sure her makeup stayed put.
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Bhumi Pednekar's makeup adventures do not end here. Earlier, the actress dished out how to slay in an on-fleek cut-crease eyeliner. Accompanying the delicate yet fine strokes of sleek dark eyeliner was the shimmery golden eyeshadow that worked wonders. Wispy mascara-coated lashes added to the magic. Bhumi rounded off her party-ready beauty mix with radiant skin, dusted with blush and highlighter. Glossy brown lip colour sealed her look of perfection.
Bhumi Pednekar's off-screen beauty goals are worth bookmarking.
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